Saturday, February 20, 2010

Saturday rocks: five best

Talk about subjective! But my curiosity was piqued the other day when a couple of commenters gave me the hairy eyeball for suggesting that My Sharona was "one of the best damn rock tunes of all time."

OK, who would be on your Top Five list? Feel free to put up YouTube clips if available--my fancy new comments system allows that sort of thing.

Here, for what it's worth, and dating me terribly no doubt, is my off-the-top-of-my-head list, unranked and probably meaningless, but happy listening anyway:

Jimi Hendrix, All Along the Watchtower, also the best damn cover of all time:

Layla. I was lucky enough to be at the Rainbow, gloriously blitzed, when Eric Clapton, just weaned off the "naughty powder" by his friend Pete Townsend, opened with it. But here's the original Derek and the Dominoes version.

Cream, Sunshine of Your Love. Three brilliant musicians, cooking up a storm; almost any track would suit, frankly. This one has sentimental value:

Rolling Stones, Brown Sugar (just try to ignore the lyrics):

And again, not being in the least anti-New Wave, here's The Knack and My Sharona, which some consider a turning-point in rock history. If it really helped put an end to disco, it's got my vote:

Bonus track: Velvet Underground, 1966--that other turning-point. Here's the studio version of I'm Waiting For My Man:

Over to you!

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